Aussies are waking up

Aussies are waking up to the threat of the Greens.

That’s the only conclusion you can draw with two articles in the mainstream media in two days highlighting that the party of the environment is long gone and they’re now an activist political machine.

In other words, they’re not who they used to be.

First up, The Nightly’s Jeni O’Dowd wrote a piece headlined “True nature of Greens’ party policies hidden behind their cuddly exterior”.

O’Dowd asks:

Why do some people think voting Green only means helping the environment? There is such a disconnect between the Greens’ cuddly image and their more radical policies.

The truth is that this minority party has a socialist agenda cleverly wrapped in a green façade.

She’s exactly right, and ADVANCE has been banging this drum for months now.

The Greens coast on the impression they’re just a nice minor party wanting to save the trees, but they have a much more sinister and damaging agenda under the surface.

O’Dowd goes on to highlight one of the Greens’ most dangerous policies; one that will directly hurt our kids.

She writes:

… the Greens want to decriminalise the personal use, possessional and non-commercial sale of all drugs.

This means anyone caught with cocaine, ice, heroin — any drug of their choice — would face no criminal charges.

That means more drugs on the streets, putting the safety of your family and your community at risk.

Then on Wednesday, The Australian’s veteran political reporter Paul Kelly wrote a scathing – and accurate – takedown of Greens leader Adam Bandt.

Kelly addresses the big problem Australia faces: the Greens are not a minor party but a real chance at entering into a “power sharing” arrangement with Labor after the next election.

That means their dangerous policies – like putting dangerous drugs on the streets – aren’t just thought bubbles anymore but a real chance of being implemented.

Kelly says;

Australia is now engaged in a dangerous political experiment – a radical left-wing party assaulting the Albanese Labor government to achieve a deeper fracturing of the parliament and a 2025 minority government with the Greens empowered and more influential than ever.

If they just wanted to protect some forests, that might be ok.

But they’re not who they used to be.

Jeni O’Dowd has pointed that out, and Kelly understands the risks.

They must be stopped, and that’s what ADVANCE’s Greens Truth campaign is going to do just that.